Sunday, January 26, 2014

Range Anxiety! EV is for Electric Vehicle

Distribution graph of miles driven per day:

To interpret the graphs.. 98.5% of the population drives less than 140 miles per day... which translates into the vast majority of people not having to recharge the Tesla Model S in a garage other than every other day.... while you're sleeping...just like you do your phone.

So what is the problem?  Why are people so worried about running out of power while they are driving?  

Its because like it or not people are irrational beings that focus on insignificant factors.  For example, people assume that they are more likely to die in a plane than a car or people have a fear of the ocean because of sharks. The news highlights our natural fears and inflates our expectations of reality and probability of these events occurring to ourselves.  

Look at the facts

There are several ways to determine whether a electric vehicle is right for you and your family.  The key is to go over the facts and determine if having the ability to refuel at your house is something you want, having 80% less mechanical parts to break, better performance in acceleration, or better gas mileage is important to you.    

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