Thursday, October 26, 2017


Hi all,

This post is a list of resources and methods I've used to overcome anxiety.

1. Lemon balm - tea or supplement
2. Saunas - 15mins or longer 4 times a week
3. Ashwaganda - 500mg supplement
4. Bromelian - 500mg Doctors Best brand
5. Exercise - 3 to 4 times a week for 25 mins, interval training and weight lifting, squats and calfs
6. Hikes - once a week outdoors for 1-2 hours
7. Probiotics and Prebiotics, Inulin
8. Limit alcohol 1 day a week or less
9. Vegan diet 5 days a week 2 days off
10. Don't procrastinate, JUST DO IT - NIKE

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