Monday, May 8, 2017

Why I created my own hair and skin care products

Link:  Natur Crème

Modern Apothecary Style Skin Care Made From Scratch

Natur Crème was born out of my own need for effective skin care for my sensitive skin. I suffered from acne, chronic migraines, dry and itchy scalp. None of the commercial products I tried helped, and I decided to start looking into natural options. An article about the Oil Cleansing Method began me on a path of research. I started reading about green beauty and the chemicals in commercial skincare. As I poured through the pages, I was disgusted with what I read. Virtually all commercial products are full of harmful ingredients.

After reviewing hundreds of natural ingredients for skin care and sourcing the best components I created Natur Crème. People around me noticed the change in my skin and my demeanor, and wanted to know what I was doing. It didn’t take long before I was making extra to share with friends and family. As I began to learn more about Skin Care and the Industry around it, I saw a place where I could really make a difference.

I personally suffer from Hypothyriodism, a hormonal disorder. Emerging research is showing a DIRECT link between things of this nature and petro chemicals + hormone-disruptors.. Hypothyriodism can cause infertility by the age of 12. If I can educate one person about what they are putting in their body, then I have done my job. Artificial Fragrances and Parabens are not good for you body.

I have a deep passion for nature and holistic medicine. I have dedicated my life to Natur Crème, and am constantly learning and incorporating all nature has to offer into my line. As my line expands, it is my goal to make you natural products that are exactly the texture and feel you expect, without any fake junk.

Natur Crème Scalp Spray is the first product I've created and will always be my pinnacle product that allowed me to live a better more healthy life.

I do not use anything synthetic, artificial, toxic, or as filler. My products are made with the best stuff on earth just for you. My goal is to provide you with simple, pure, natural, and safe alternatives to the chemical-filled products.


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