Saturday, August 23, 2014

Cocoa Powder

Dark Chocolate and Cocoa Powder

I think its great that people are trying to eat healthier higher percentage dark chocolates instead of the traditional milk chocolate candies.  This is a great way to cut out most of the sugar associated with traditional consumption of chocolate in america.  Plus, by switching to dark chocolate you are also getting less milk consumption which means you are getting less exposure to growth hormones and the binding agents associated with animal milks that cancel out the good antioxidants found in cocoa. However, the best proven method of getting maximum benefits from chocolate is going right to the source, COCOA POWDER!

Consuming just a table spoon of Hershey's Cocoa powder in a glass of water or almond milk a day can dramatically improve brachial artery flow.  Basically, Cocoa powder improves endothelial function in humans, endothelium is the thin layer of cells that lines the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels .  Why is this good???  Because FMD and endothelial function is a powerful surrogate measure for cardiovascular-related mortality, in humans.

Its important to note that you can't just make a cup of cocoa powder drink with milk and sugar and expect it to be good for you.  Milk from animals directly binds with antioxidants found in the cocoa powder and completely destroy the benefits.  When I make my drink in the morning I use the following:

1. 1 1/2 table spoon of hershey's or trader joes cocoa powder

2.  4 oz of water

3.  8 oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk

NEW Recipe:     Better for the sweet tooth!

1.  2 oz of water

2.  2 oz of almond milk

3.  2 oz orange juice

4.  Hand full of spinach

6.  Table Spoon of Cocoa Powder

7.  Hand full of frozen strawberrys

8.  Hand full of frozen blueberrys

Check out the link below for other supplements and hemp protein powders from to add into your morning smoothies.

Onnit Supplements

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