Sunday, September 28, 2014

Broccoli Raw or Cooked

Broccoli Baby

What a staple item to have in your fridge.  Broccoli is AMAZING! You can pair it with multiple dishes or just eat it by itself. All it takes is 15 minutes and some salt, pepper, garlic powder and butter for seasoning and you have a great side dish for dinner. Or you can eat it raw with some ranch dressing for a snack. Broccoli is loaded with great nutritional properties.

What's New and Beneficial About Broccoli

Broccoli can provide cholesterol-lowering benefits if you cook it by steaming. The fiber-related components in broccoli do a better job of binding together with bile acids in your digestive tract when they've been steamed. When this binding process takes place, it's easier for bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels. Raw broccoli still has cholesterol-lowering ability—just not as much.

Broccoli has a strong, positive impact on our body's detoxification system, and researchers have recently identified one of the key reasons for this detox benefit. Glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and glucobrassicin are 3 glucosinolate phytonutrients found in a special combination in broccoli.

The Catch?

Awhile back I had a discussion with one of my best friends on the way to the super market.  We wanted to figure out which is more nutritious, raw broccoli or frozen broccoli.  My first thought was that fresh broccoli is better because its not processed.  But then I remembered that like any fresh produce, the nutrition found inside like antioxidants, start to deteriorate over time.... but when the produce is frozen right after its gathered from the farm, the natural oxidation process of organic compounds found in food can be significantly delayed.  So basically if you freeze the broccoli right after you take it out of the ground, you'll preserve the nutritional value better than letting it sit in a store for a week in its raw form. 

Well I thought I solved the problem, I was going to buy frozen broccoli until I die because it had more nutrition..... And then like most things I research, I continued to read more research, and I began to look up things about cooking veggies and how exactly does the frozen produce production process works.  And what I found out didn't change my purchasing of frozen broccoli but it did change how I would cook it!!!  

If you don't want to read further you can click the link to the right Cooking strategy for Broccoli  .  This will take you to a short 2 minute video explaining how mustard powder reacts with specific enzymes that convert all the good phytonutrients found in broccoli to their active forms.  In the frozen broccoli process, after the broccoli is picked the farmer will flash heat and freeze vegetable.  This flash heat turns off the necessary enzymes that convert the phytonutrients found in broccoli to there active states.  However, a trick has

Monday, September 8, 2014

Are Smart Watches a Smart Idea?

Smart Watches

Smart watches.... I'm just going to say it, there here to stay.  I know that statement might be premature but I want the people reading this to get ahead of the curve on the new trend towards wearable tech.  Smart Watches wont exactly replace your phone entirely but will become the main source of your WIFI and phone connection as the implementation of SIM cards and other phone components are adapted into the wearable devices. Currently, besides the newest Samsung S watch, all of the smart watches on the market are Bluetooth linked to your cell phone in order for Texts, emails and phone calls to be shown on the wearable tech.  But it looks like things are about to start changing.

Smart watches are going to become your main source of cell phone service, wifi, and internet.  I mean, it makes sense.  A watch can be always on you, they're small, most of these new smart watches are both water and dust proof to a certain degree.  Don't get me wrong people, we will still have a phone size tablet like device, but instead the phone sized device would be tethering its cell service from the watch.  Look on the bright side, this would make it a lot harder for you to lose or drop your cell phone.  So who has the best smart watches, what are the best features to look for and whats coming out next.

So lets start with a couple of the hottest smart watches on the market today.  There's the Moto 360, pebble steel, Samsung gear 2, and the LG g watch.  Each of these watches have there unique selling points but lets go over some general features that all of smart watches should have.


1. Water and dust proof
2.  Battery life of 3 or more days
3.  Easy charging, like inductive charging
4. On board memory storage of 4gb or more for music and more
5. Heart rate and multiple sensors to track health and movement data
6. SIM Card and WIFI capabilities
7. Metal face, better resell value and are more durable
8. Camera / infrared blaster 

If they don't have the majority of these features, then its probably not worth buying unless your just looking to use the watch as a talking point and to get some looks out at the bar, which you will....

Whats coming out next?

The two must anticpated smart watches are the Samsung galaxy Gear S Watch which is shown above and the Apple I Watch which is coming out tomorrow.

I was looking over the specs of Samsung's new Galaxy Gear S smartwatch and it struck me how similar some of the specs were to the first-generation iPhone that Apple released back in June 2007. But the Galaxy Gear S isn't an old iPhone hit.  Some of its features are far superior to that of the original iPhone. It supports 3G, 802.11n, and Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity, along with features such as a heart-rate monitor. It also features 512MB of RAM, beating the 128MB inside the original iPhone. Even on the battery front, the Galaxy Gear S has the iPhone beat, with a 300 mAh battery that should be able to last about two days of moderate usage (the iPhone would last about a day).

Hopefully the iWatch will have very similar feature as the new Galaxy Gear S watch when it comes out tomorrow but we can only speculate at this point.  I will be updating this blog post about smart watches after the iWatch has been released as well as a section about my own experience owning, using, and reselling a Samsung Gear 2 smart watch.


Monday, September 1, 2014

Nootropics and Brain Nutrition


Nootropics, also referred to as smart drugsmemory enhancersneuro enhancerscognitive enhancers, and intelligence enhancers, are drugssupplementsnutraceuticals, and functional foods that improve one or more aspects of mental function, such as working memorymotivation, and attention.

I hate brain fog.  That feeling half way through the day when you feel like your head is on information overload. My productivity drops off the map and I literally feel like a zombie.  I thought that the brain fog was just a human limitation that everybody experiences unless you scored some Adderall from a roommate or you do blow on the regular.  I mean, I eat healthy, that's my thing, but it didn't seem to stop my brain from slowing down as the day became more stressful.  So of course I started to do some research on the infamous smart (limitless) drug. Of course there are tons of shady pills on the market that claim amazing results for brain performance. But I am all about the DATA and randomized double blind placebo studies, AKA the anti-bullshit studies. 

I prefer to use google scholar to find all the studies from medical journals and government websites like the NIH, national institute of health.  And what I found on nootropics was pretty amazing.  There are several well documented natural substances that have been and are currently being heavily researched for cognitive enhancement for sick and healthy people.  Most of the new research funding is actually coming from one of President Obama's initiatives to combat Alzheimer's and dementia, two of the most destructive diseases predicted by scientists in the 21st century to impact the majority of the population. Soooooooooo jumping to the good stuff!

If you want to read more about any of the list of natural nootropics that I will share with you below I urge you to either visit or research the substance on google scholar.  Below are some of the best Nootropics that you can take.  If you buy them individually, I suggest using NOW FOODS brand or Nutrigold.  But there are great companies like Onnit that sell Nootropic blends, with multiple nootropics in one pill like Alpha Brain.  And these are not stimulants, so they don't pump you up and then drop you off in a pool of depression, They steadily increase your brain function the longer you use them. Most of extracts have natural anti-stress, anti-depressants, and anti-anxiety properties as well.

List of the most researched Nootropics for Brain Health

1. Fish Oil -DHA of 1g or more
2. Creatine 5g
3. Ashwagandha 450mg
4. Theanine 100- 200 mg
5. Bacopa Monnieri 500mg
6. Huperzine-A
7. 5-HTP
8. Vinpocetine
9. Alpha- lipoic Acid
10. Forsoklin
11. Artichoke
12. AlCAR
13. Magnesuim Threonate

My current stack:

1. 2 cups of broccoli sprouts and some 1/4 cup of orange juice in blender
2. 1.2 grams of vita Krill Oil
3. 5 grams of D-Ribose
4. 5 grams of BCAA
5. 3 grams of Ashwagandha in afternoon
6. 1 gram of Blueberry powder 4:1
7. 5 grams of inulin
8. 1 teaspoon of Natural Calms plus Calcium

Social Media Survey:

YouTube Channel: Brain Powder Kid